Articles on: General information

How to cancel QualityDesk subscription?

Cancelling the QualityDesk subscription

You can terminate your subscription two different ways, based on how you did the subscription in the first place.

Through the online store, a monthly subscription with a credit card (

You can send a message to or use the app's messaging to terminate your subscription. We will verify the termination from an Admin user before cancelling your subscription. After confirmation, the service will end at the end of the current billing period.

Through QualityDesk salesperson, subscription with invoicing (

You can send a message to or use the app's messaging to terminate your subscription. We will verify the termination from an Admin user or a designated decision-maker before cancelling your subscription. After confirmation, the service will end at the end of the current billing period or according to contract terms.

Updated on: 31/05/2022

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