Creating a coaching form
You can build and modify evaluation and coaching forms in QualityDesk. Forms can be create and edit by Management users and Unit supervisors.
You can view the coaching forms under Coaching forms: Here you will find a couple of template forms that are immediately available. Also included is TEMPLATE, where you can customize the creation of a form that works for you. You can also build your own form by following the instructions below. You can also watch a help video below the instructions.
Start building the coaching form by going to the form building here:
Create a name for the form.
Select the units to which the form will be displayed. If there is only one unit in use or you want everyone to use the same form, leave the selection unchecked.
Next, select the Dimensions. If you haven't done dimensions, you will find the instructions at the end of this page.
Then start creating Coaching form questions. First type section heading. The section is always in the form on a blue background.
New question -button will give you new questions under the section.
New section -button will give you new sections.
Delete -button will remove the whole section and questions in that section.
In the text field you can type the section heading. Example "Observations".
Under the section you can add the questions, talking points.
Delete -button will remove the single questions from the form.
In the first text field you can write the question, talking point. Example "Where has the agent succeeded in this month?".
In the second text field you can write infomration about the question. Here you can add information about the coaching topics, add values or strategy etc.
Under the question info field you can select how the question is handled. You can select Text input or Options list. Text input will add a text box in the form where you can write text freely. Option list allows you to give options to the coaching question. Example if the question would be "Are the KPI's on target?", then you can add options Yes, No. You can add as many options as you need from the New response alternative -button, which will appear when you select Options.
Build the whole form and at the end click Save.
If you want to use the form immediately, go ton top and click Active -button.
Dimensions are tracking targets that you can add to evaluation and coaching forms and you can use them in reporting to filter results or gather information.
Go to the company settings:
Click Add a new dimension -button.
Give a name for the Dimension. Example Coaching topic.
Choose if you want to use a Test field or Option list. In the Text field you can write freely and add example links if needed. In Option list you can determine the list option. Example, if the Dimension would be Coaching topic, you could add option like 1-to-1, Performance discussion. Write the options on the field and separate them with a comma.
Then click Save.
Then go to the form, where you want to add the dimension,
Click the Actions -button and select Edit.
Add the dimenstion under Dimensions shown on the form.
Determine if the dimension is Mandatory to fill every time.
Then go to the end of the form and click Save.
Next you can see, how to set your company settings:
Coaching forms
You can view the coaching forms under Coaching forms: Here you will find a couple of template forms that are immediately available. Also included is TEMPLATE, where you can customize the creation of a form that works for you. You can also build your own form by following the instructions below. You can also watch a help video below the instructions.
Creating a coaching form
Start building the coaching form by going to the form building here:
Create a name for the form.
Select the units to which the form will be displayed. If there is only one unit in use or you want everyone to use the same form, leave the selection unchecked.
Next, select the Dimensions. If you haven't done dimensions, you will find the instructions at the end of this page.
Then start creating Coaching form questions. First type section heading. The section is always in the form on a blue background.
New question -button will give you new questions under the section.
New section -button will give you new sections.
Delete -button will remove the whole section and questions in that section.
In the text field you can type the section heading. Example "Observations".
Under the section you can add the questions, talking points.
Delete -button will remove the single questions from the form.
In the first text field you can write the question, talking point. Example "Where has the agent succeeded in this month?".
In the second text field you can write infomration about the question. Here you can add information about the coaching topics, add values or strategy etc.
Under the question info field you can select how the question is handled. You can select Text input or Options list. Text input will add a text box in the form where you can write text freely. Option list allows you to give options to the coaching question. Example if the question would be "Are the KPI's on target?", then you can add options Yes, No. You can add as many options as you need from the New response alternative -button, which will appear when you select Options.
Build the whole form and at the end click Save.
If you want to use the form immediately, go ton top and click Active -button.
Dimensions are tracking targets that you can add to evaluation and coaching forms and you can use them in reporting to filter results or gather information.
Go to the company settings:
Click Add a new dimension -button.
Give a name for the Dimension. Example Coaching topic.
Choose if you want to use a Test field or Option list. In the Text field you can write freely and add example links if needed. In Option list you can determine the list option. Example, if the Dimension would be Coaching topic, you could add option like 1-to-1, Performance discussion. Write the options on the field and separate them with a comma.
Then click Save.
Then go to the form, where you want to add the dimension,
Click the Actions -button and select Edit.
Add the dimenstion under Dimensions shown on the form.
Determine if the dimension is Mandatory to fill every time.
Then go to the end of the form and click Save.
Next you can see, how to set your company settings:
Updated on: 20/12/2022
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