Articles on: Coaching features

How to create coaching forms?

Roles, that can do this: Team leaders (If given the rights), Coaches (If given the rights), Unit supervisor, Management and Admin -users

How to create coaching forms?

On the left navigation bar go to: Coaching forms and + New coaching form.

Fill the basic information for form:
First, give a name to the coaching form.
Next, add dimensions. If there is none build, you can check how to build them from here.
Select if the dimensions are Mandatory to fill, when filling the form. This is recommended if you want to use dimensions in sorting reports.

Build the coaching sections and talking points:
Give a name for the first section. For example, "Observations from this month".
Under each section you can create talking points, for example "Where has the employee succeeded in this month?"
You can add additional information to every coaching talking point.
For each coaching talking point you need to create a text input or an options to answer. Example if the talking point is "Are the KPI's on target?" you can select options to be Yes and No. If you use a text input, you can write down the notes of the coaching session.
You can have new questions from the New question button, new sections from the New section button and with options you can add them from the New response alternative.

When the form is ready, click Save at the bottom of the form.
Then scroll back up and click Activate -button.

Every coaching form has automatically Development target follow up part at the end of the form when you fill them. This you don't have to build.

Updated on: 15/07/2022

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