Articles on: Admin users

How to change a user role?

Roles, that can do this: Admin -user

#How to change a users role?

The admin user can change the roles of users in the QualityDesk application. This is done from the User management page, which can be accessed from the navigation bar on the left by selecting User management.

Select a user from the table and click on the Edit link.
If you have more than one company base, you can change the user's company from Company name.
Under the headline Roles, you can edit the user's role in the application.
Under the headline Grant evaluation access to another company and/or unit you can add evaluation rights IF needed. You don't need to add evaluation rights to users if they don't need them outside of their team, unit or organization.

Agents who do not have logins to the app or email cannot be edited from the User management. If you want to edit the role of such agent, then create logins for the agent by adding a possible email (save after adding the email) and add the logins from the "Edit" button by selecting "Create and send login to agent".

Under each Role you will find the company, unit or team options

Admin: access to everything, no need to select anything separately.
Management: select Companies by clicking on the arrow below the role if you have more than one organisation.
Unit supervisor and Coach: Select Units by clicking on the arrow below the role.
Team supervisor: Select available teams.
|||| Note! If there are no teams under the role, it means that all teams already have a team supervisor. In this case, create a new team or delete any additional team supervisor.
Agent. Select the right team. Agent can be in one team at any given time. You can add evaluation rights under Allow evaluation rights to another company and/or unit.
|||| Note! Agent can't have any other roles, so if you want to change the agent to the supervisor level, uncheck the Agent selection.

Once you have made the necessary changes, click Save.

|||| Note! If you are using AD integration, the role change must be made in your company's own systems, from where the role will be updated in QualityDesk upon login, If the role is not updated, the user must log out completely and then come back to QualityDesk.

Updated on: 11/03/2024

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