Articles on: User management

Roles and rights in QualityDesk

Hidden coaching forms are hidden from all users except the employee(s) for whom the form is done and the team leader of the employee(s). There is no separate mention

Admin-user can manage and see everything in the software.

Only user who has access to User management and can create Management users.
Only user who can change user roles in QualityDesk.
Only user who can delete teams and units in QualityDesk.

Management user can manage in his/hers companies:

Company settings.
Create, edit and delete evaluation and coaching forms.
Create and edit Luoda ja muokata yksiköitä ja tiimejä.
Create new unit managers, team manages and agents and place them to right teams and units.
See all the results in units, teams and agents in his/hers companies.
Move agents between different teams and units inside a company.

Unit manager can manage in his/hers units:

Company settings (Notice! Its company level settings).
Create and edit evaluation and coaching forms.
Create and edit teams.
Create new team leaders and agents.
See all the results in teams.
Move agents between different teams inside the unit.

Team leader can manage, depending on his/hers rights:

Create and edit agents in the teams he/she is Team leader. If Team leader can see other teams in the unit, Team leader can edit agents in those too.
See own team and agent results and information. If Team leader can see other teams in the unit, Team leader can also see the results of these teams and agents. Rights of the Team leader can be managed by Admin, Management and unit manager.
If grantes access Team leader can create and modify monitoring and coaching forms. Rights of the Team leader can be managed by Admin, Management and unit manager.

Coach can manage in his/her units:

Create and modify teams
Create new agents and modify their teams.
See the results and information of the teams and agents in his/her units.
If grantes access Coach can create and modify monitoring and coaching forms. Rights of the Coach can be managed by Admin, Management and unit manager.

Agent rights in QualityDesk (if agents has given logins):

Fill self-evaluations and colleague monitorings(if enabled).
Fill and modify coaching forms (Team leader will be notified by email).
See his/her filled monitoring and coaching forms.

Updated on: 08/12/2021

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