Articles on: Updates

QualityDesk-updates 18.4.2023

QualityDesk updates 18.4.2023

We have updated our app and here is a list of all the latest features and fixes! Please contact us if you notice anything strange after the update or something does not work as it should. We test the application at least in three different stages, but errors can still occur. Thanks in advance!

Please note that we will release the new version of QualityDesk on Monday 8.5.23! We will keep the old version alongside the new one until 15.5.2023, after which all users will automatically be upgraded to the new version.

Fixed bugs and changes to make it easier to use QD

There was a bug in the "Evaluations and comments" report where pressing the "Show questions" button made the report disappear. This has been fixed and now the button works correctly.
When editing a saved evaluation, the text behind the Info-icon did not appear even when the cursor was moved over the icon. This has been fixed and now the texts in the infos also appear when editing.
In the evaluation reports, supervisor level users' name was not a link. Now they are and clicking the name will take the user to the supervisors profile.
Updated error message: if there is no person on the evaluation form, the message "Evaluator missing" is displayed when saving.
Translation fix Swedish: When filling the evaluation form, the evaluee was incorrect. Now it's fixed.
Translation fix All languages: When saving a coaching form when the end time of the coaching was earlier than start time, the error message would appear only in English. Now each language has the correct error message translation.

Updated on: 10/01/2024

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