Articles on: Updates

QualityDesk-updates 23.8.2022

QualityDesk updates 23.08.2022

We have updated our app and here is a list of all the latest features and fixes! Please contact us if you notice anything strange after the update or something does not work as it should. We test the application at least in three different stages, but errors can still occur. Thanks in advance!

Latest Features:

Unit supervisors can now edit the units that they are in, on the Teams and agents page. They can edit the name of the unit, create and edit the Unit supervisors and Coaches in the unit.
Filled coaching forms will now be visible in the Events log on the front page.
Now supervisor level user's coaching forms can be hidden. Hidden coachings forms will be visible for the user who is being coached and for the user who is filling the coaching form.
Now the hidden coaching forms can be un-hidden by the user who originally made the hidden coaching form.

Fixed bugs

Coaching times are fixed in the Coaching summary report. There were some weird looking hours and days in the report. Now the Coaching summary will show the times spent on coachings by hours.
Supervisor level users might have had wrong links in their profile when starting a coaching form for themselves. Now links are fixed and supervisor levels can use the coaching forms normally from their own profile.
On the coaching form the button Send to the agent for approval was visible even if the agent didn't have logins to QualityDesk. Now the button is hidden if the agent does not have logins to QualityDesk.
In the evaluation form the cursor was going to the middle of the text box if you clicked the second row of the text box. Now this is fixed and the cursor goes always to the top left corner no matter where in text field you click.

Updated on: 10/01/2024

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