Articles on: Updates

QualityDesk-updates 27.3.2022

QualityDesk updates 27.3.2022

We have updated our app and here is a list of all the latest features and fixes! Please contact us if you notice anything strange after the update or something does not work as it should. We test the application at least in three different stages, but errors can still occur. Thanks in advance!

Latest Features:

Admin users can now go to all the users profiles and see the development view from supervisor-level users. The managing of the role, company, unit and team is on the managing page. You can find it under the profile picture Management.
When building an evaluation form, you will have the New section and New question buttons on the top and at the bottom of the section. This makes the evaluation form building even more easy.

Fixed bugs

Coaching summary report's negative times will be 0, if the users set negative times on the coaching forms starting and ending times.
When employee or team leader goes to a hidden coaching form, there is no error message saying that the form is hidden. The button to show, if it's hidden or not, will come on the next update.
If the emails were written with capital letters, the login didn't work. Now all the emails are change automatically to lower case letters.
In the supervisor-level users development view there was a set dates on the graph. These are now deleted so the user and the supervisor can see the whole history on one view.

If you see any issues or problems, please contact us from the chat 💬💻 Thank you!

Updated on: 10/01/2024

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