Articles on: Updates

QualityDesk-updates 23.03.2023

QualityDesk updates 22.03.2023

We have updated our app and here is a list of all the latest features and fixes! Please contact us if you notice anything strange after the update or something does not work as it should. We test the application at least in three different stages, but errors can still occur. Thanks in advance!

Please be aware that the new version of QualtiyDesk is in the works and will be released very soon! The application will be visually more modern, with new reports and other improvements! We will announce these separately closer to the release date.

Latest Features:

From a saved evaluation form, it is now possible to change the person being evaluated if the evaluation has been incorrectly saved for the wrong person.

Fixed bugs and changes to make it easier to use QD

The Delete button has been removed from the preview view of the saved Coaching form for all users except Admin users, the employee's Team leaders and the person who has filled the Coaching form.
The "Send to the agent for approval" button on the coaching form will now save the coaching at the same time. Previously, the form did not save from this, but only sent the form to the agent for approval.
The comments on the evaluation questions on the evaluation forms will now always record the name of the commentator. Previously, all comments, regardless of the person, went to the name of the most recent commenter. Unfortunately, the data will not be corrected retrospectively.
It was possible to create users in QualityDesk with the same email if the user had an employee profile. This could have created a situation where a person could have duplicate profiles in the app. If these become apparent, you can contact our support team about them via the in-app chat service. In this update, the creation of duplicate profiles is now completely blocked. A user can only have one profile on the same email.
In the "Save and fill in a new form for this agent" button of the evaluation form, we fixed the following errors: 1) Previously, if the form was saved with this button, the bypassed sections in the next form remained bypassed if they had been bypassed in the previous evaluation. 2) If the form was saved with this button, the next form would save the time of the previous saving. This has been corrected and now the time is recorded correctly.
We have added more detailed logs to the application so that we can further investigate any changes, additions or deletions made to the application in the future.

Updated on: 10/01/2024

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